文化的 7 个维度(3 个单元中的第 1 单元)


Welcome to our e-learning course on 7 Dimensions of Culture

This course, the first of three components of the eLearning which encompasses the certification, provides the professional with a foundational understanding to Trompenaars Hampden-Turner’s concept of culture.

This 7 Dimensions of Culture eLearning will look at the model of framing ‘culture’ and the way in which the 7 dimensions affect behavior and business.  Our Seven Dimensions of Culture Model provides a grounded understanding of the relationship between culture and the workplace underpinned by Trompenaars Hampden-Turner’s first two Rs of Recognition and Respect in our 4Rs approach. Organizations often focus on systems and process changes. But the key message from Trompenaars Hampden Turner’s research is the importance of behaviors and actions that can lead to a supportive climate that respects and reinforces creativity & innovation, which in the end will create more engagement with related business challenges. When creativity is put in the context of realizing business objectives and solving business issues, its results are greatly enhanced.


First of 3 modules towards certified professional license

  • 文化的 7 个层面
  • 组织文化
  • 将困境与价值观、行为和态度联系起来

