4 R The PROCESS to follow for a long-term integration DILEMMA THINKINGThe MINDSET that generates value from competing demands THE 4 CORPORATE CULTURESThe DEEP DIVE into cultural archetypes to foster change 7 DIMENSIONSThe KEY to understanding cultural differences OUR MODELS 4R DT 4C 7D

Our models

The cornerstones of our approach are our models, developed by Fons Trompenaars, Charles Hampden-Turner and Peter Woolliams.

An outstanding intellectual property supported by over 30 years of research that makes our approach uniquely effective

4R Approach

“While most organization focus on recognizing cultural differences only (stereotypes), we try to help taking advantage of those differences.”

Fons Trompenaars

7 Dimensions 
of Culture

“If you can’t measure something,  
you can’t control it”

Lord Kelvin, 1883

4 Corporate Cultures

“Organizational culture is the end result of competing values fighting for preference”

Fons Trompenaars

Dilemma Thinking

“All people face the same dilemmas.  It’s the culture that half kills you."

Fons Trompenaars

7 dimensions of culture

Developed in the 80s by Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner and continually innovating through rigourous up to date research, the 7D is one of the most well reputed models to understand cultural differences


Human Relationships

Those which arise from our relationships with other people


Those which come from the passage of time



Those which relate to the environment

Dr Fons Trompenaars

Dilemma thinking

The dilemma reconciliation is the methodology at the heart of everything we do. It implies a switch of mindset, that can seem a bit counter-intuitive for Western People, typically used to bipolar models.

Our “best of both” approach combines the opposites with "AND".

The main benefits of reconciling dilemmas are finding the main performance blockers by asking the right questions, more accurate problem solving and a superior innovative solutions that work in all cultures. 

Discover OUR

4R Model

4 Organizational Cultures

Over the years, we found out that every organization has a preferred way of operating across cultures, influenced by two main parameters, summarized in the following questions: Is the focus of what we do more on tasks or people? Do we operate in a more egalitarian or hierarchical way? This enables us to define four categorical types of corporate culture. Each of these types of corporate culture is an “ideal type”: it cannot be found 100% in practice, but it shows the preference that one has and gives us guidance on how we think and learn, how we change, and how we motivate, reward, and resolve conflicts.