Our leadership development program led to great successes in the USA. Why doesn’t it seem to work as well in Europe?
Can you help us to develop leaders that can deal with multi-cultural teams?
We highly appreciate the beauty of Servant Leadership, but how to implement it effectively?

We believe that most leadership models are culturally biased and based on mutually exclusive categories. They do not work outside of their own cultures. Servant Leadership is an exception as it is driven by the motivation of enabling others to work more effectively and be successful.
Did you know?
of employees will quit their jobs due to lack of appreciation from leaders
of Millennials believe there is a lack of leadership development in the workplace
only 5%
of companies have integrated leadership development in their corporations
of enterprises believe it’s important to develop leaders at all levels in a company
Our approach to Leadership
1 Recognize
Helping Global Leaders to be aware of their leadership competences in the 4 R’s and assessing them on their dominant 7D score
Diagnostics for mapping both the degree of intercultural competence and how to deal with the major dilemmas that leaders face
2 Respect
Building on the strength of the leaders' capabilities and enrich them with the opposites
Our blended workshops include the usage of our tools to assess and align cultures, both national and organizational
3 Reconcile
Introducing the concept “Servant Leadership as a Reconciler in Chief”, whilst working on the most important dilemmas
Through constructive dialogues we try to take advantage of cultural differences and what it means for our leadership
4 Realize
Supporting in implementing the transnational organization by rooting behaviours and processes into the organization’s culture in a systemic way
We support our clients in the concrete implementation and rooting of the suggested reconciliations of the serving-leading dilemma
Our publications in Leadership
Servant Leadership Across Cultures

Seven Dilemmas of Servant Leaders: A New Unified Model Of Trans-Cultural Leadership
Discover our Leadership Toolbox
a suite of digital tools that make our intervention more effective
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