The Dilemma Doctors
Anglo-Dutch gurus Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner have become the go-to guys on multinational mergers. Their recipe: making opposites attract.
Read moreGrowth through digital change
Trompenaars, F.
2019, Peoplematters
Repaying the stakeholder, not the shareholder
Hampden-Turner, C.
2019, BearingPoint
Can innovation be captured, bottled and measured?
Hampden-Turner, C.
2019, BearingPoint
A proposed new logic for employee engagement
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
A new paradigm for HR: HR approaches from balanced to integrated scorecards
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
Revamping values for the next transformation
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
From Return on Investment to Return on Reconciliation – The integrated organization
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
Artificial Intelligence: Control it or Go with the flow
Trompenaars, F.
2018, Peoplematters
Future focus of HR
Trompenaars, F.
2017, Peoplematters
Going digital globally
Trompenaars, F.
2017, Peoplematters
Culture AT WORK: The value of intercultural skills in the workplace
Booz, Allen, Hamilton
2013, The British Council
Cultures’ role in enabling organizational change – Survey ties transformation success to deft handling of cultural issues
DeAnne Aguirre, Rutger von Post, Micah Alpern
2013, Strategy & Pwc
Minding your digital business
Global Survey
2012, Mc Kinsey
Is there a payoff from top-team diversity?
Thomas Barta, Markus Kleiner, and Tilo Neumann
2012, Mc Kinsey
Cultural Change That Sticks
Jon R. Katzenbach, Ilona Steffen, and Caroline Kronley
2012, Harvard Business Review
Dilemmas of Multi-Cultural Leaders: A New Unified Model of Trans-Cultural Competence
With the internationalization of organizations, we find that leaders have to face multi-cultural teams. What style of leadership is effective in those diverse circumstances?
Trompenaars, F., & Woolliams, P.
2011, Trompenaars Hampden Turner, 2011