Bessere Arbeitsmethoden Scan

Organizations often focus on systems and process changes. But the key message from Trompenaars Hampden Turner’s research is the importance of behaviors and actions by team members that can lead to a supportive climate that respects and reinforces creativity and innovation that will create more engagement in a business unit with related business challenges. When creativity is put in the context of realizing business objectives and solving business issues, its results are greatly enhanced.

We developed the New ways of Working Scan to measure how employees feel about their current work situation and the discrepancy with their ideal situation.  It helps diagnose the organizational challenges in the areas of Culture, Design, Process and Technology.
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Organisational culture is an important element in managing change/adaptability. More important during the Covid-19 crisis, we are facing new behavioural requirements and in particular we need new ways of working.  It vary in the way we think and learn, motivate, change, reward, resolve conflicts and perform. Organisational culture is the result of the relationship of employees to their organizations in respect of these variations. It is more important than ever to look at competencies to deal with these challenges whether they be in future skills, risk management, Fintech or other areas, in order to have a better understanding of how organisations can translate the major dilemmas into opportunities for the future. The New ways of Working Scan is confidential and provides individual participants with a personalised feedback as well as the potential to provide an analysis of next steps for your organization